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Prevent Snoring

December 12, 2010

Prevent Snoring

Hello- Are you guilty of snoring and keeping your loved one awake. Check out my prevent snoring video. Make sure to share it if you like it. Spread the sleep knowledge.

Maria 🙂 — (Cure Your Snore) Sleep Tips- Snore Prevention is a video slideshow that talks about ways for a person can prevent snoring by following all natural, easy to follow tricks. The information detailed about snoring can be found in the sleeping eBook, Cure Your Snore. It talks more about the common symptoms, causes and natural treatments of snoring and other related sleep disorders.


~Prevent Snoring~

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

December 12, 2010

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to pass along this video that I created that outlines the symptoms of sleep apnea. Hope you all enjoy it and share it with others.

Maria — (Cure Your Snore)
Sleeping Tips Symptoms of Sleep Apnea is a educational video that details the most common symptoms of the sleeping disorder sleep apnea. The information provided in this health and wellness video are included along with other essential information in the best selling health eBook Cure Your Snore. The book talks about the physiology, common causes, treatment, prevention and cures of sleep apnea, snoring, and other various sleep disorders and problems.


~Symptoms of Sleep Apnea~

Reasons For Snoring

October 27, 2010

Reasons For Snoring


What are the causes and reasons for snoring?


There are many reasons for snoring. There are reasons that we can control, while some are out

of our hands.


These are some of the following reasons for snoring where we cannot blame ourselves:



Reasons For Snoring #1. Genetic predisposition

Some people are born with an anatomy that predisposes them to snore. Narrow throats,

hypertrophied or enlarged tonsils, short necks and enlarged mandibles or jaws are often the

reasons why an individual snores.



Reasons For Snoring #2. Congenital deformities

People who were born with cleft palate, poliomyelitis, and muscular dystrophy are at increased

risk for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Abnormalities in the airway anatomy can obstruct the flow of air as it passes through airway passages.



Reasons For Snoring #3. Advancing age

Many people who snore are usually diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in their 40s and above. This is due to increased weight and decreased muscle tone.


Reasons For Snoring #4. Male sex

There is a male preponderance to the incidence of snoring, which is maybe due to their narrower air passages as compared to those of women’s.



Reasons For Snoring #5. Atopy

Inflammation of the airways, which occur during a colds, asthma, sinus infections or allergies, can cause nasal congestion. The accumulated respiratory secretions block the airways, causing difficulty in breathing. This may create a vacuum that leads to snoring.


The following are the modifiable causes of snoring:


Reasons For Snoring #6. Obesity

Obesity increases the adipose or fat tissues in your throat, blocking the airways. Also, obese people have fat pads, or increased fat tissues around the neck area, making the airways narrower. This contributes to breathing difficulties and snoring.



Reasons For Snoring #7. Smoking

The substances present in cigarette smoke relax the throat muscles during inhalation, predisposing a person to snore. Also, smoking or second-hand smoke causes nasal congestion, blocking your airways.



Reasons For Snoring #8. Use of alcohol

Some people choose to drink alcohol before going to bed because, as they say, it relaxes them.

However, though it can contribute to your blissful sleep, alcohol relaxes your throat muscles, more than what is expected when you sleep. This causes airflow obstruction and snoring.



Reasons For Snoring #9. Use of medications

Sleeping pills and drugs that make you drowsy can decrease air ventilation and reduce muscle

tone, making you prone to snoring. These medications cause relaxation of the throat muscles as

well, causing the pharynx to partially collapse and cause airway obstruction.



Reasons For Snoring #10. Sleeping position

Lying in supine position causes your tongue fall back, causing further obstruction of your airways. The obstruction narrows your airways, making you snore.


Knowledge is key when you are tackling any problem. Snoring is no different. If you don’t know what the cause of your problem is, solving it is a can prove to be a tough road indeed.







~Reasons For Snoring~

BEWARE SLEEPY-EYED WARRIOR: Your snoring could have devastating consequences beyond an angry spouse or partner. Many medical conditions including high blood pressure are connected. You ought to be taking you sleeping monster more seriously. Click here if you are ready to slaughter that beast cold!

Signs of OSA

October 10, 2010

Signs of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious snoring disorder that causes the snorer to temporarily stop breathing during their sleep. About 90 % of people with this problem are completely clueless to the fact this is even happening to them.

It is usually their partner who has gone mad with sleepless nights who urges them to do something about it. Often, not only does OSA affect your physical well being, but it also affects your social and personal life.  People who suffer from OSA are typically anxious, irritable, and have a hard time concentrating on simple daily tasks.

Aside from snoring, the signs of OSA will vary depending on the time of day. If you are overweight, the signs of OSA may include abnormalities of the airway due to the excess fat around the throat.  In these cases, the possibility of you having OSA increases dramatically.

Nighttime Signs of OSA include

  • Heavy snoring
  • Pauses of at least 10 seconds of non breathing.
  • Restless sleep
  • Choking during sleep
  • Heartburn
  • Excessive sweating
  • Frequent urination at night

Daytime Signs of OSA include:

The cycle of sleep apnea can last from 20 seconds to 3 minutes, occurring often throughout the sleeping period. If this happens more than fifteen times per night, this can also indicate another of established signs of OSA.

It is also possible for a condition called central sleep apnea to occur in people who have OSA. In this case, the brain controlled respiration is malfunctions, decreasing the amount of oxygen to get to the brain. Because of this, the brain cells may die. The brain is very dependent on oxygen.

If you are having trouble sleeping soundly and it is followed by at least 2 or 3 signs of OSA, particularly if you are overweight, it may be time to talk to a doctor about what’s going on with you.

The physiological and mental damage that obstructive sleep apnea can and usually does causes is not worth the delay.

Sleep Well and Take Care,


~Signs of OSA~

Who’s the biggest snoring offender- men or women? Did you know that up to 50% of people with sleep apnea also has high blood pressure? Click here for the sake of your health and well being. Not knowing could spell disaster for you!

10 Herbal Remedies for Snoring

October 10, 2010

10 Herbal Remedies for Snoring

A lot of people who do snore would love to find a way not to snore. For those who do not wish to use “traditional medicines” in tackling their snoring problem, there are herbal remedies for snoring.

These remedies work by dealing with the contributing factors that causes a person to snore such as allergies, congestion and other respiratory issues.

Below are the following herbal remedies for snoring with an explanation of how they work.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring# 1- Immature bitter orange

Containing synephrine, immature bitter oranges helps relieve nasal congestion through

inhibition of the production of the allergens which causes inflammation, which causes the airway


Herbal Remedy for Snoring #2 – Ginger

Ginger has been proven to treat snoring through increasing the production of saliva, coating the throat and soothing it.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #3 – Wild yam

Wild yam works as an anti-inflammatory agent and cures the nasal congestion, thus controlling your snoring

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #4 – Honey

Honey lubricates the throat and is a good cold remedy

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #5 – Arctium fruit

This fruit clears the throat and flushes away harmful chemicals that may contribute to your

snoring. The arctium fruit has been used widely to treat pharyngitis and has been known to have

no side effects.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #6 – Marjoram essential oil

Use marjoram essential oil to clear nasal congestion, which could cause snoring. In its oil form,

put a small amount under your nose. You may also massage your neck using marjoram oil before


There are marjoram essential oils sold in jars with saturated sponges. Place the jar near

your bed and remove the lid to diffuse its scent throughout your room.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #7 – Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptol, its major component, is an oil that temporarily clears up the congestion.

To relieve congestion, combine five drops of eucalyptus oil and one drop of peppermint oil. You may also mix crushed eucalyptus, coltsfoot, peppermint and comfrey. Place the mixture in a clean cotton sock and tightly knot the end. You can place the sock in your pillowcase before going to bed.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #8 – Peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil soothes the respiratory system by relieving congestion. Put three to four

drops of peppermint oil into a bowl of hot water, and inhale the steam. Oral spraying or gargling

peppermint oil has also been reported as an effective natural remedy for snoring.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring #9 – Rosemary oil

Rosemary loosens congestion in the respiratory system. It relieves asthma, sinusitis and bronchitis.

Diffuse the oil or you can apply it topically under your nose before going to bed. You may also

add rosemary to your water bath.

Herbal Remedy for Snoring # 10 – Lavender oil

Lavender essential oil relieves sinus congestions by relieving inflammation. You can put a single

drop of lavender essential oil under each nostril. You may also add a few drops of oil into a hot

washcloth. Lay the washcloth over your face and breathe in the vapors. Lavender essential oil may

be also added to an aromatherapy diffuser.

These are just a short list of herbal remedies for snoring. If you would like to know more about snoring causes, remedies and prevention, make sure to check out the Cure Your Snore eBook on my Word Press blog. It gives phenomenal information about snoring and other related sleep disorders.

Sleep well and have a restful evening,


~Herbal Remedies for Snoring~

Watch out, Morpheus’ evil twin Snoozledorf and his wicked army wants to rob you of much needed sleep and they don’t want to take no for an answer. I challenge you to click here to uncover the magic elixirs to snore cures. Stop sitting on your hands already. It’s time to kick some serious butt!

Snore Prevention

September 21, 2010

Snore Prevention

Are you guilty of being a snorer or are you the sleepless partner of the snorer?  The causes of snoring vary across the board, which should be known. However, wouldn’t snore prevention be much more effective than spending tons of money on cures?

Listed below are ten tips to aide you in your snore prevention journey with a brief description of how and why it will help cut down your snoring drastically. Make sure to incorporate these tips and share your results with the world so everyone can get a better night’s sleep.

Snore Prevention Tip #1 – Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well balanced meals and maintaining a regular exercise regimen. People who exercise on a regular basis consistently tend to get more restful sleep.

Snore Prevention Tip #2 – Sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back pulls your tongue back into your posterior pharynx, which causes snoring. Train yourself to not sleep on your back anymore.

Snore Prevention Tip #3 – Stay away from alcohol and tranquilizers because both depress your central nervous system, causing the muscles in your throat and jaw to relax. This may sound like a good idea at first, but when your throat and jaw  are in this state, it only brings on snoring.

Snore Prevention Tip #4 – Lose some weight. The reason why is because excess body fat around the neck puts pressure on the air, which causes turbulence to outgoing air. The air in turn causes the noise you hear during snoring.

Snore Prevention Tip #5- Treat you allergies treated, particularly nasal congestion. If you suffer from allergy congestion, it forces you to breathe through your mouth. This of course brings on snoring.

Snore Prevention Tip #6- Put out the cigarettes. Smoking irritates the lining of the upper airways, including the nose. Irritation of the upper airways causes nasal congestion, which in turn leads to snoring.

Snore Prevention Tip #7- Since sleep deprivation increases the volume of your snoring, it is important that you train your body to adopt a regular sleep cycle. This also helps with daytime sleepiness.

Snore Prevention Tip #8- Elevate your head when you are sleeping eases pressure off your airways.

Snore Prevention Tip #9 – Avoid eating a heavy meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Eating a big meal may exert pressure on your diaphragm, making it work harder. This increases the likelihood of snoring.

Snore Prevention Tip #10 – Doing tongue exercises strengthens the muscles of the throat. An example of a tongue exercise is repeatedly sticking out your tongue. Another exercise is touching the floor of your mouth with your tongue and holding it there for about 5-7 seconds.

If you would like to know more about snore prevention as well as snoring causes and treatments, stay tuned to this blog for regular updates. Alternatively, I would advise purchasing a comprehensive snoring related book. The best deal I have come across and been recommending to everyone is Cure Your Snore. It currently sells for $6.99 on .

It is not impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Make it possible with some information and application. Have a great day and a restful evening.

Yours Truly,


~ Snore Prevention~

Want to know the reason why most snorers don’t know why or want to admit they snore? Are you about two sandwiches away from an insomnia picnic?Click here to arm your artillery with sleep knowledge!

Interesting Sleep Facts

September 21, 2010

~Interesting Sleep Facts~

As mundane as it appears on the surface, the world of sleep is a lot more strange and curious than one may think. In the spirit of shedding another light on this subject, I have compiled a list of 10 interesting sleep facts. You can take these and add them to your treasure chest of random knowledge and share them with your friends.

Here are some interesting sleep facts in no particular order. Enjoy!

Interesting Sleep Fact #1- The majority of what has been researched and learned about sleep has only occurred within the last 25 years.

Interesting Sleep Fact #2 – Snoring only occurs in non-REM sleep.

Interesting Sleep Fact #3 – Studies suggest that women need up to an extra hour’s sleep in comparison to men. Furthermore, not getting that extra hour can contribute to higher depression risk.

Interesting Sleep Fact #4 – People on average sleep 3 hours less than other primates, who sleep 10 hours a day.

Interesting Sleep Fact #5- A new bundle of joy normally causes a loss of 400-750 hours of sleep for mom and dad within the first year.

Interesting Sleep Fact # 6 – For humans, the desire to sleep is the strongest between 12am and 6am. People who work the graveyard shift for long periods of time are found to be less healthy overall because they are fighting against natural rest impulses.

Interesting Sleep Fact #7- There has been no evidence that people have not died directly from a lack of sleep. However because prolonged sleep deprivation can cloud judgment and cause hallucinations amongst other things, which can cause you to do things that you would not normally do if you were in your “right mind”.

Interesting Sleep Fact #8- If it takes you less than 5 minutes to fall asleep, it is a red flag sign that you are sleep deprived.

Interesting Sleep Fact #9- Did you know that REM dreams are far more bizarre as opposed to non-REM dreams are repetitive and thought like?

Interesting Sleep Fact #10- The record for the longest period of time without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes . Talk about some baggy eyes and grumpy faces…Yikes!

There are many more interesting sleep facts out there, so make sure to stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Have a good day and a restful evening everyone,


~Interesting Sleep Facts~

Are you in the midst of studying your sleep PhD? Perhaps you are just seriously aching to fill your head with tons of sleep related topic. P.S. I got the 411 on the stuff you are obsessing over. Click here to enter the sleep wonderland!

Natural Snore Remedies

September 21, 2010

~Natural Snore Remedies~

Good day everyone,

I found a promotional You Tube video doing a quick presentation about natural snore remedies, sleeping facts, causes and disorders for the snoring eBook Cure Your Snore.

Enjoy and check out the book if you or someone you know is struggling with snoring. I recently bought it and got a ton of information about sleep disorders, symptoms and treatements. For all the stuff that I learned from it , it is well worth the $6.99 price tag.

Have a good day and a restful evening everyone,


~Natural Snore Remedies~